The Ecole de Santé Numérique (ESNbyUM) is a new, off-site school whose aim is to:
- Train more than 20,000 students or professionals in the healthcare and medical-social sectors, as well as specialists involved in digital health, over a five-year period
- Train for emerging professions in the healthcare sector (health data scientist, clinical transformation specialist/consultant, e-health cloud engineer, clinical application trainer, e-health cybersecurity expert...).)
- Offer innovative and differentiated teaching methods based on digital and mobile flipped learning devices, with the creation of a simple, immersive, interactive and modular digital campus, with spaces specifically designed to increase the user's sense of immersion
- Make the University of Montpellier's Digital Health School visible and accessible throughout the region.


  • ActuSoins - 19/01/2024
    Digital health teaching: IFSI and universities prepare for the start of the 2024 academic year
    Read the press article
  • Libération - 27/11/2023
    Digital health training: medical schools step up a gear
    Read the press article
  • ActuSoins - 08/08/2023
    A Digital Health School "outside the walls" is created in Montpellier
    Read the press article
  • L'Étudiant EducPros - 03/05/2023
    M.Hayot (Digital Health School at the University of Montpellier): "It's not a question of reducing health to digital, but of using it better"
    Read the press article
  • University of Montpellier
    The University of Montpellier is a winner of the France 2030 program with its project to create the "ESNbyUM" School of Digital Health
    Read the press release
  • Midi libre - 6/02/2023
    The University of Montpellier launches a digital health school
  • - 3/02/2023
    Montpellier: the university launches an "off-site" digital health school
    Read the press article
  • La Tribune - 2/12/2022
    By creating ESNbyUM in 2023, the University of Montpellier will be engraving digital health into the marble of training
    Read the press article

Launch of ESNbyUM on February 2, 2023


An interdisciplinary school of precision education to train digital health players and citizens.


Director : Pr Maurice Hayot
Coordinator: Brigitte Couette
Tel: 06-85-94-10-89

Address: ESNbyUM
c/o Faculté de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes
641 avenue du Doyen Gaston Giraud
Bureau 422
34 090 Montpellier

Streetcar & Bus: Line 1 Tram -Occitanie stop- Bus lines 6 and 23
Parking nearby: Parking P + Tram Occitanie

Social networks :


March 9, 2023 : Lecture by Prof. Maurice Hayot on "Precision teaching" (face-to-face and distance learning)
at the "Télémédecine journée du consensus" event organized by the French National Academy of Medicine
more info:

February 2, 2023 : Launch of ESNbyUM

