Launch of esnbyum

  • Dates : February 2, 2023
  • Timetable: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
  • Location: Faculté de Médecine campus Arnaud de Villeneuve

11h00-12h30 ESNbyUM OFFICIAL LAUNCH (open to all)

-Pr Isabelle Laffont, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Montpellier-Nîmes Opening (30 min)
-Pr Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier
-Pr Agnès Fichard-Carroll, Vice - President in charge of Training and University Life
-Representing Metropolis -Representing Occitanie Region
-Representing Rectorat

Presentation of the Project (30 min)
-Pr Maurice Hayot, Director of ESNbyUM
-Representing the Deans: Pr Vincent Lisowski
-Representative of Consortium members: Mme Emilie Barde, DRI CHU de Montpellier
-Representative of the Délégation du Numérique en Santé: Mr Mathieu Faure Speaker: Ethics and Digital Health (15 min)
-Pr Jacques Bringer "Ethics, a vector of meaning and relevance in digital health practices".

Other presentations (15 min)
-The citizen's / patient's point of view: Mr André Guinvarch, President of France Assos Santé
-The student's point of view: Mme Léa Waldura, Vice-President in charge of NS at ANEPF, Association Nationale des Etudiants en Pharmacie de France